Home About HadIt.com Veterans: 27+ Years of Growth and Support for VA Claims

HadIt.com Veterans: 27+ Years of Growth and Support for VA Claims

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HadIt.com Veterans community has grown since 1997, mirroring changes in veteran support, tech, and VA. Key developments include...

Our community at HadIt.com Veterans has evolved significantly since its founding in 1997, reflecting broader changes in veteran support, technology, and the VA system. Here are some key ways our community has grown and adapted over the years:

1. Technological advancements: When HadIt.com was founded in 1997, the internet was still relatively new. Our community has embraced technological changes, moving from basic forums to more sophisticated online platforms that allow for easier sharing of information and resources [1].

2. Expanded knowledge base: Over nearly three decades, we’ve accumulated a vast repository of knowledge about VA claims, benefits, and processes. This collective wisdom has become an invaluable resource for veterans navigating the complex VA system [1].

3. Changing veteran demographics: As the veteran population has shifted from primarily World War II, Korea, and Vietnam era veterans to include more Gulf War and post-9/11 veterans, our community has adapted to address the unique needs and challenges of younger generations of veterans [10].

4. Increased focus on mental health: There’s been a growing recognition of mental health issues like PTSD among veterans. Our community has evolved to provide more support and resources for these often invisible wounds [2].

5. Adaptation to VA changes: The VA system has undergone significant changes since 1997, including the implementation of the PACT Act in 2022. Our community has stayed informed and helped members navigate these changes [9].

6. Greater emphasis on peer support: While professional help is crucial, we’ve seen an increased recognition of the value of peer support among veterans. Our community provides a platform for this vital connection[2].

7. Expanded outreach: We’ve grown from a small online community to a significant resource for veterans nationwide, partnering with other organizations and leveraging social media to reach more veterans in need[1].

8. Focus on comprehensive care: Our discussions have expanded beyond just disability claims to encompass overall health, wellness, and successful reintegration into civilian life [2].

9. Advocacy efforts: Over the years, our community has become more involved in advocating for veteran rights and improved VA services, using our collective voice to push for positive changes[1].

10. Increased diversity: As the veteran population has become more diverse in terms of gender, race, and ethnicity, our community has strived to be inclusive and address the unique challenges faced by different groups of veterans [10].

Throughout these changes, our core mission has remained the same: to provide a supportive community where veterans can learn from each other’s experiences and navigate the VA system more effectively. As we look to the future, we’ll continue to adapt and grow to meet the developing needs of our nation’s veterans.


[1] https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-22-104488.pdf

[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5279827/

[3] https://community.hadit.com/va-claims-and-benefits-information/va-disability-compensation-history-a-brief-history-r73/

[4] https://www.va.gov/disability/

[5] https://www.benefits.va.gov/reports/detailed_claims_data.asp

[6] https://news.va.gov/134788/veteran-resources-events-week-sept-16-2024/

[7] https://department.va.gov/history/history-overview/

[8] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK542598/

[9] https://news.va.gov/press-room/va-all-time-record-care-benefits-veterans-fy-2023/

[10] https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/11/08/the-changing-face-of-americas-veteran-population/

[11] https://www.bva.va.gov/docs/VLR_VOL5/Ridgway.pdf

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Founder of HadIt.com Veterans Founded Jan 20, 1997 Personal Blog https://diaryofamadsailor.com

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