VA Claims: Disabled Veterans Community|

From 40% to 100% thanks to

Search VA Disability Claims Information via Veterans

From 40% to 100% thanks to

When I departed the service in the 1990’s, I used local VSOs and blindly trusted their guidance. After years of appeals, I finally received at 40% rating and felt it was a long overdue relief. The VSO’s were very friendly and accommodating, but really did not go beyond helping me fill out paperwork.

In 2009, I found and joined. The resources here are pro-veteran. is so much more than just member forums. I use the ratings calculator frequently to double-check my math estimations for combined rating percentages. I use the blog resources regularly so I don’t have to repeat what I learned over and over again. What sets apart from other veteran resources is its pro-veteran member base. The elder and moderator members offer seasoned advice from veterans who were once where I was.

In 2009, I filed new claims which were subsequently denied. I was able to obtain medical records, my claims file, and ask my doctors for medical opinions. After submitting my appeals and waiting, I eventually won in 100% P&T in 2013.

Additionally, I learned what Clear and Unmistakable Error is. I requested my claims file and sifted through every page. I compared each rating decision against the underlying evidence and laws in effect at the time the decision was made. This opened my eyes to realize that when the VA made my initial rating decisions in 2000, they failed to apply the laws properly. I submitted a CUE request and am waiting for the VA to review and hopefully revise my initial ratings. Yes, it has been 20 years, but I felt it is a moral imperative to ensure my ratings are fair, accurate, and correct.

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