Knowldge is Power

I am very grateful to that veterans and their survivors here have often followed my advice on multiple issues that either I or my dead husband had personal experience with , and got positive results, via the VA. Even if that took many years, in some of our personal claims. He certainly did not die in vain. The advice from others here has been superb to everyone, as well, on many diverse issues we encounter.. A testimony to from me, is also a testimony to my husband, because if those years of battles with VA had not occurred, I would not have gained the knowledge to even be here for the past 17 years. has been a spectacular entity. I think it should be part of training programs for vet reps, VSOs, and also for the VBA, at the regional office levels. And I still learn something new here every day. Knowledge, as Tbird says , TRULY IS POWER!

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